Workshop Packages
& Programs

Helping you create a life you love

Depending on your budget and what you want to learn and achieve there is a masterclass and workshop for everyone. Avoid disappointment and register now!

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  • Express Self-Belief Masterclass Programme (coming soon)

    A short self-taught masterclass for if you would like to work towards achieving a goal(s)

    You will:

    • Work at your own pace to identify and achieve your goal(s)
    • Learn a little about the potential blockages to your progress and the psychological processes that might be holding you back
    • Look at ways to improve your self-belief and confidence

    Perfect for if you:

    • have a goal that you want to achieve
    • have a budget
    • want to work alone, at your own pace

  • Transform Self-Belief Masterclass Programme (coming soon)

    The ultimate six-step self-taught masterclass where you will understand your psychological processes, uncover and work with what may be holding you back to improve your self-belief and confidence.

    You will:

    • Work at your own pace to identify and achieve your goals (recommended between six and twelve weeks)
    • Dig a little deeper to learn about the potential blockages to your progress and the psychological processes that might be holding you back
    • Learn and understand ways to improve your self-belief and confidence

    Perfect for if you want to:

    • work alone, at your own pace
    • understand your psychological processes
    • improve your self-belief and confidence
    • achieve a goal

  • Express Self-Belief Masterclass Workshop (coming soon)

    A three hour group wellbeing masterclass workshop if you would like to work towards developing self-belief and achieving a goal(s)

    You will:

    • Identify and the steps towards achieving your goal(s)
    • Look at ways to improve your self-belief and confidence
    • Learn a little about the potential blockages to your progress and the psychological processes that might be holding you back

    Perfect for if you:

    • have a goal you want to achieve
    • have a budget
    • cannot commit to the group programme
    • want to work in small supportive group

    • Transform Self-Belief Masterclass Workshop (coming soon)

      The ultimate six-step group masterclass workshop, helping you to understand your psychological processes, uncover and work with what may be holding you back to improve your self-belief and confidence.

      You will:

      • Join a small supportive group of like-minded individuals to identify the steps you need to take towards your goal(s) (meeting once per month over six months)
      • Dig a little deeper to learn about the potential blockages to your progress and the psychological processes that might be holding you back
      • Learn and understand what you need to do to improve your health and wellbeing

      Perfect for if you want to:

    • work in small supportive group
    • understand your psychological processes
    • Improve your self-belief and confidence
    • achieve a goal
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